Niemen Aerolit

Archiwum forum fanów Czesława Niemena

A Pilgrim

Forum for non Polish readers who would like to discuss about Niemen. All posts in this subforum should be in English.

Niemen on TVP Kultura recording 2006-04-19 - 2007-04-10 niempol 5 7976
2006-04-19 17:52:25
I'm from Germany and a great fan from Czeslaw Niemen.
I have no possibility to record the special on TVP Kultura on the 20.04.06.
Is there someone who can and will record this and can send me a copy of this?

all the best and have fun to look this extraordinary special!

2006-04-19 18:05:33
Edytowany 1 raz(y), ostatnio 2006-04-19 18:05:33 przez Markovitz
niempol I have no possibility to record the special on TVP Kultura on the 20.04.06. Is there someone who can and will record this and can send me a copy of this?

Of course, Christian :)

I'll send you dvd-r with :n: -day programs .
Contact : link priv. ( click ".. nowych wiadomości") or my e-mail.

2006-04-20 06:40:50
Herzliche Grüße an die deutschen Niemen-Fans ;) Es freut mich, dass er auch In Deutschalnd bekannt ist!

…und heute ist der Große Tag ;)
2007-04-10 13:05:11
Hallo zusammen!

Ich bin erst heute auf dieses Forum aufmerksam geworden. Ich kenne Niemen seit den späten 70ern, bin damals über SBB auf ihn gekommen. Mir gefallen hauptsächlich seine Sachen aus den 70er Jahren, insb. N.AE Idee Fixe finde ich absolut genial!!

Könnte mir vielleicht jemand eine Kopie der TVP-Sendung vom 20.04.2006 zukommen lassen?

Weiß übrigens jemand weitere Einzelheiten zu einem Niemen-Konzert im Ost-Berliner Palast der Republik 1978? Das soll angeblich als Bootleg kursieren.

Vielen Dank im voraus.

Darek Sieradzki
2007-04-10 13:46:34
Please people, try to stick to English language if that's possible. It seems to be more popular among internauts, so more people will understand you. Thanks.

2007-04-10 14:26:54
Darek SieradzkiPlease people, try to stick to English language if that's possible. It seems to be more popular among internauts, so more people will understand you. Thanks.


Darek, of course you are right:

Hi folks!

I found out about this forum only today. I know Niemen since the late 70's through my interest in SBB. I prefer his works from the 70's and I consider N.AE Idee Fixe a true masterpiece!!

Would some good soul here care to get me a copy of the TVP broadcast on 20 April 2006 - would really love to watch this.

BTW, does anybody know details on a Niemen concert in East-Berlin's Palast der Republik in 1978? It is supposedly circulating as a bootleg.

Many thanks in advance

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