W sobotę o 21.30 czasu polskiego na antenie Radia 2000FM Ela Celejewska puści fragment wywiadu z Niemenem z 1993r. Może za jakiś czas będziemy mogli usłyszeć całość tego 1,5 godzinnego wywiadu, na razie ze względów technicznych nie jest to możliwe.
A fire in the Polish Club in Ashfield, NSW
Below is a summary of the article published in the Sydney newspaper Glebe on 12 of March 2003, entitled A fiery end for archives.
On Sunday 9 March 2003 a fire swept through the Polish Club, Ashfield. Pictured in the article is the Club's President Margaret Kwiatkowska inspecting the damage which destroyed the club's archives, the air conditioning plant room and the room housing the Polish Army Museum. The Museum's items were saved although extensively water damaged. Despite holes in the roof the damage has not stopped the Club's normal activities. The Club began in 1964 and its Norton Street premises were purchased in 1967. In 1984 it purchased an adjacent building, no.75 Norton Street to extend the club's various activities.